# Copyright: Public domain. # Filename: MAIN.agc # Purpose: The main source file for Luminary 1A, revision 099. # It is part of the source code for the Lunar Module's (LM) # Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) for Apollo 11. # Assembler: yaYUL # Contact: Ron Burkey . # Website: www.ibiblio.org/apollo/index.html # Mod history: 2009-05-05 RSB Adapted from Luminary131/MAIN.agc. # # The contents of the "Luminary099" files, in general, are # transcribed from a digital images created from a hardcopy of the program # residing at the MIT Museum. Many thanks to Debbie Douglas of the Museum, # and to Paul Fjeld (who made the images). # # Notations on this document read, in part: # # ASSEMBLE REVISION 001 OF AGC PROGRAM LMY99 BY NASA 2021112-061 # 16:27 JULY 14,1969 # [Note that this is the date the hardcopy was made, not the # date of the program revision or the assembly.] # ... # THIS LGC PROGRAM IS INTENDED FOR USE IN THE LM DURING THE MANNED # LUNAR LANDING MISSION OR ANY SUBSET THEREOF. # ... # # The page images themselves, as reduced in size (and consequently in # quality) to be suitable for online presentation, are available at # http://www.ibiblio.org/apollo. If you want to see the (much) higher # quality digital images that Paul actually made, contact info@sandroi.org # directly. # # This file is a little different from the other Luminary099 files I'm providing, # in that it doesn't represent anything that appears directly in the original source. # What I (RSB) have done for organizational purposes is to split the huge monolithic # source code into smaller, more manageable chunks--i.e., into individual source # files. Those files are rejoined within this file as "includes". It just makes # it a little easier to work with. The code chunks correspond to natural divisions # into sub-programs. In fact, these divisions are more-or-less specified by # the source code itself. Refer to the "TABLE OF SUBROUTINE LOG SECTIONS" at the # very beginning of the file ASSEMBLY_AND_OPERATION_INFORMATION.agc. # # It may be reasonably asked why tens of thousands of lines of source are joined by # means of inclusion, rather than simply assembling the source files individually and # then linking them to form the executable. The answer is that the original # development team had no linker. The builds were monolithic just like this. # There was a big emphasis on reusability of the code in the original project, # apparently, but this reusability took the form of inserting your deck of # punch-cards at the appropriate position in somebody else's deck of punch-cards. # (Actually, I believe a tape-library method was used to avoid having to continually # reload the card decks, but that doesn't change the basic principle.) # So, indeed, the method of file-inclusion is a very fair representation of the # methods used in the original development ... with the improvement, of course, # that you no longer have to worry about dropping the card deck. On the other hand, # I wasn't there at the time, so I may have no idea what I'm talking about. # # Finally, note that the original Apollo AGC assembler (called "YUL") is no longer # available (as far as I can tell). In fact, it was replaced by another assembler # ("GAP") even before Apollo 11, but GAP is no more available than is YUL. The # replacement assembler yaYUL accepts a slightly different format for the source # code from what YUL or GAP accepted, so the source code has been targeted for # assembly with yaYUL. # What follows is simply a bunch of file-includes for the individual code chunks. # I've marked the page numbers to make proof-reading easier. Besides, the digital # images of the assembly listing contains a lot of interesting tables (cross- # referenced to page numbers) created by GAP, but not duplicated by yaYUL, so it's # still valuable even if the source-files listed below are at hand. $CONTRACT_AND_APPROVALS.agc # p. 1 $ASSEMBLY_AND_OPERATION_INFORMATION.agc # pp. 2-27 $TAGS_FOR_RELATIVE_SETLOC.agc # pp. 28-37 $CONTROLLED_CONSTANTS.agc # pp. 38-53 $INPUT_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_BIT_DESCRIPTIONS.agc # pp. 54-60 $FLAGWORD_ASSIGNMENTS.agc # pp. 61-88 # p. 89 is a GAP-generated table $ERASABLE_ASSIGNMENTS.agc # pp. 90-152 $INTERRUPT_LEAD_INS.agc # pp. 153-154 $T4RUPT_PROGRAM.agc # pp. 155-189 $RCS_FAILURE_MONITOR.agc # pp. 190-192 $DOWNLINK_LISTS.agc # pp. 193-205 $AGS_INITIALIZATION.agc # pp. 206-210 $FRESH_START_AND_RESTART.agc # pp. 211-237 $RESTART_TABLES.agc # pp. 238-243 $AOTMARK.agc # pp. 244-261 $EXTENDED_VERBS.agc # pp. 262-300 $PINBALL_NOUN_TABLES.agc # pp. 301-319 $LEM_GEOMETRY.agc # pp. 320-325 $IMU_COMPENSATION_PACKAGE.agc # pp. 326-337 $R63.agc # pp. 338-341 $ATTITUDE_MANEUVER_ROUTINE.agc # pp. 342-363 $GIMBAL_LOCK_AVOIDANCE.agc # p. 364 $KALCMANU_STEERING.agc # pp. 365-369 $SYSTEM_TEST_STANDARD_LEAD_INS.agc # pp. 370-372 $IMU_PERFORMANCE_TEST_2.agc # pp. 373-381 $IMU_PERFORMANCE_TESTS_4.agc # pp. 382-389 $PINBALL_GAME_BUTTONS_AND_LIGHTS.agc # pp. 390-471 $R60_62.agc # pp. 472-485 $S-BAND_ANTENNA_FOR_LM.agc # pp. 486-489 $RADAR_LEADIN_ROUTINES.agc # pp. 490-491 $P20-P25.agc # pp. 492-614 $P30_P37.agc # pp. 615-617 $P32-P35_P72-P75.agc # pp. 618-650 $LAMBERT_AIMPOINT_GUIDANCE.agc # pp. 651-653 $GROUND_TRACKING_DETERMINATION_PROGRAM.agc # pp. 654-657 $P34-35_P74-75.agc # pp. 658-702 $R31.agc # pp. 703-708 $P76.agc # pp. 709-711 $R30.agc # pp. 712-722 $STABLE_ORBIT.agc # pp. 723-730 $BURN_BABY_BURN--MASTER_IGNITION_ROUTINE.agc # pp. 731-751 $P40-P47.agc # pp. 752-784 $THE_LUNAR_LANDING.agc # pp. 785-792 $THROTTLE_CONTROL_ROUTINES.agc # pp. 793-797 $LUNAR_LANDING_GUIDANCE_EQUATIONS.agc # pp. 798-828 $P70-P71.agc # pp. 829-837 $P12.agc # pp. 838-842 $ASCENT_GUIDANCE.agc # pp. 843-856 $SERVICER.agc # pp. 857-897 $LANDING_ANALOG_DISPLAYS.agc # pp. 898-907 $FINDCDUW--GUIDAP_INTERFACE.agc # pp. 908-925 $P51-P53.agc # pp. 926-983 $LUNAR_AND_SOLAR_EPHEMERIDES_SUBROUTINES.agc # pp. 984-987 $DOWN_TELEMETRY_PROGRAM.agc # pp. 988-997 $INTER-BANK_COMMUNICATION.agc # pp. 998-1001 $INTERPRETER.agc # pp. 1002-1094 $FIXED_FIXED_CONSTANT_POOL.agc # pp. 1095-1099 $INTERPRETIVE_CONSTANT.agc # pp. 1100-1101 $SINGLE_PRECISION_SUBROUTINES.agc # p. 1102 $EXECUTIVE.agc # pp. 1103-1116 $WAITLIST.agc # pp. 1117-1132 $LATITUDE_LONGITUDE_SUBROUTINES.agc # pp. 1133-1139 $PLANETARY_INERTIAL_ORIENTATION.agc # pp. 1140-1148 $MEASUREMENT_INCORPORATION.agc # pp. 1149-1158 $CONIC_SUBROUTINES.agc # pp. 1159-1204 $INTEGRATION_INITIALIZATION.agc # pp. 1205-1226 $ORBITAL_INTEGRATION.agc # pp. 1227-1248 $INFLIGHT_ALIGNMENT_ROUTINES.agc # pp. 1249-1258 $POWERED_FLIGHT_SUBROUTINES.agc # pp. 1259-1267 $TIME_OF_FREE_FALL.agc # pp. 1268-1283 $AGC_BLOCK_TWO_SELF_CHECK.agc # pp. 1284-1293 $PHASE_TABLE_MAINTENANCE.agc # pp. 1294-1302 $RESTARTS_ROUTINE.agc # pp. 1303-1308 $IMU_MODE_SWITCHING_ROUTINES.agc # pp. 1309-1337 $KEYRUPT_UPRUPT.agc # pp. 1338-1340 $DISPLAY_INTERFACE_ROUTINES.agc # pp. 1341-1373 $SERVICE_ROUTINES.agc # pp. 1374-1380 $ALARM_AND_ABORT.agc # pp. 1381-1385 $UPDATE_PROGRAM.agc # pp. 1386-1396 $RTB_OP_CODES.agc # pp. 1397-1402 $T6-RUPT_PROGRAMS.agc # pp. 1403-1405 $DAP_INTERFACE_SUBROUTINES.agc # pp. 1406-1409 $DAPIDLER_PROGRAM.agc # pp. 1410-1420 $P-AXIS_RCS_AUTOPILOT.agc # pp. 1421-1441 $Q_R-AXIS_RCS_AUTOPILOT.agc # pp. 1442-1459 $TJET_LAW.agc # pp. 1460-1469 $KALMAN_FILTER.agc # pp. 1470-1471 $TRIM_GIMBAL_CNTROL_SYSTEM.agc # pp. 1472-1484 $AOSTASK_AND_AOSJOB.agc # pp. 1485-1506 $SPS_BACK-UP_RCS_CONTROL.agc # pp. 1507-1510 # pp. 1511-1743: GAP-generated tables.