# HTML5-template This is a free HTML5 template. Feel free to use it as a base for all your projects. **Line 1** - HTML5 doctype declaration **Line 2** - Sets the language to English. Change it to whichever langauge you are using. You cand find a list of language codes at http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_language_codes.asp **Line 3** - Sets the character set as UTF-8 (Unicode). This should fit within the first 1024 bytes of the document, so don't place any code before this line. **Line 7** - A meta tag that sets the author of the document. **Line 8** - A meta tag that sets the description of the document. (Some search engines will use this as the description of the page in their search results.) **Line 10** - This meta tag makes the page responsive. **Lines 12-14** - Employ the HTML5 Shiv to support HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer. Delete this if you do not need to support older versions of IE. **Line 16** - Link to a screen style sheet. Change the URI to reflect your site structure. **Line 17** - Link to a print style sheet. Change the URI to reflect your site structure. **Line 18** - Link to a mobile style sheet. Change the URI to reflect your site structure, and add a separate mobile style sheet for each breakpoint. **Line 20** - Load jQuery. Delete if you are not using jQuery. **Line 26** - Load any scripts that can be loaded after the page loads, rather than before, to speed page rendering. Change the URI to reflect your site structure.