pause button
' . '
' . $spoiler . '
' . '
'; } add_shortcode( 'spoiler', 'spoiler_shortcode_handler' ); // Add our "eBook" shortcode: function ebook_shortcode_handler() { $ebook = __( 'This review is based on the ebook version of this title. Page numbers are not available.' , 'd12brt' ); echo '
ebook button
' . '
' . $ebook . '
' . '
'; } add_shortcode( 'ebook', 'ebook_shortcode_handler' ); // Include our update script to update from private repo require 'update/puc.php'; $myUpdateChecker = Puc_v4_Factory::buildUpdateChecker( '', __FILE__, 'atticus-finch' ); /* Register a TinyMCE button */ add_action( 'init', 'd12_book_review_buttons' ); function d12_book_review_buttons() { if ( current_user_can('edit_posts') && current_user_can('edit_pages') ) { add_filter( "mce_external_plugins", "d12_br_add_buttons" ); add_filter( 'mce_buttons_2', 'd12_br_register_buttons' ); } } function d12_br_add_buttons( $plugin_array ) { $plugin_array['d12_br'] = plugins_url( 'js/d12_br.js', __FILE__ ); return $plugin_array; } function d12_br_register_buttons( $buttons ) { array_push( $buttons, 'd12-br-button' ); return $buttons; }