\documentclass[ 10pt,letterpaper,frontgrid,backgrid,]{flacards} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{tikz} \geometry{ top=0.5in, bottom=0.5in, inner=0.75in, outer=0.75in, } \author{Kenneth John Odle} \begin{document} \pagesetup{2}{5} \renewcommand{\frfoot}{} \renewcommand{\fcfoot}{\vspace{4mm}\scshape{Botany}} \renewcommand{\cardtextstylef}{\rmfamily\Large} \renewcommand{\cardtextstyleb}{\raggedright\rmfamily\normalsize} \fboxsep=10pt %----------------- \card{Seed}{A mature ovule.} \card{Fruit}{A mature carpel.} \card{Flower}{The reproductive structure of the angiosperms.} \card{Pistil}{The female organ of the flower.} \card{Stamen}{A modified leaf which produces pollen grains.} \card{Sepal}{The lowermost part of the calyx; sterile and usually green.} \card{Petal}{One of the sterile units of the the corolla; often (but not always) colored.} \card{Megaspore}{A spore arising by meiosis of the megasporocyte and that produces a female gametophyte.} \card{Megasporocyte}{The megaspore mother cell that produces megaspores via meiosis.} \card{Egg}{The female gamete.} %----------------- \card{Endosperm}{A nutrient tissue produced during double fertilization of the angiosperm embryo sac and used by the developing embryo as a source of energy.} \card{Double fertilization}{In addition to the fertilization of the egg by the sperm, secondary fertilization occurs between another sperm and one or more nuclei produced in the embryo sac.} \card{Angiosperm}{Plants that produce their ovules \textit{inside} of a specialized container called the carpel.} \card{Ovary}{The enlarged base of the pistil or carpel in which the ovules develop; may developed into a fruit.} \card{Tube cell}{One of the cells resulting from germination of the microspore of gymnosperms and flowering plants.} \card{Stigma}{The very tip of the pistil which is receptive to pollen.} \card{Anther}{The uppermost part of the stamen that produces pollen.} \card{Style}{The portion of the pistil between the stigma and the ovary.} \card{Filament}{The stalk of the stamen.} \card{Locule}{In flowering lants, the chamber that contains the ovules of the ovary.} %----------------- \card{Annual}{Plants which germinate, grow, and die in a single season.} \card{Biannual}{Plants which germinate and grow in a single season, and then bloom and die in a second season.} \card{Perennial}{Plants which live longer than two seasons.} \card{Cotyledon}{An embryonic leaf within which food may or may not be stored and which may or may not become photosynthetic upon germination.} \renewcommand{\fcfoot}{\vspace{4mm}\scshape{Geometry}} \renewcommand{\cardtextstyleb}{\centering\rmfamily\normalsize} \card{The Pythagorean Theorem}{ $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ \\ \vspace{2mm} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.4] \coordinate (A) at (-1.5cm,-1.cm); \coordinate (C) at (1.5cm,-1.0cm); \coordinate (B) at (1.5cm,1.0cm); \draw (A) -- node[above] {$c$} (B) -- node[right] {$b$} (C) -- node[below] {$b$} (A); \draw (1.25cm,-1.0cm) rectangle (1.5cm,-0.75cm); \end{tikzpicture} } \end{document}