\documentclass[twoside]{book} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % \usepackage{showframe} % \renewcommand*\ShowFrameColor{\color{red}} % Let's set up our page size \usepackage[ letterpaper, % A4, bindingoffset=15mm, textheight=250mm, textwidth=175mm, top=14mm, footskip=5mm, marginparwidth=0mm, marginparsep=0mm ]{geometry} % Let's set up a loop to output the number of pages we need % https://texfaq.org/FAQ-repeat-num % https://ctan.org/pkg/forloop % Output a variable value: https://sodocumentation.net/latex/topic/9224/counters--if-statements-and-loops-with-latex \usepackage{forloop} \newcounter{ct} % Create a counter for our loop \newcounter{pg} % Create a counter for our page numbers \setcounter{pg}{1} % Change the value from 0 to 1 \def\pgct{2} % Set this value to the number of leaves you want + 1 % Note: a "leaf" is composed of two double-sided pages. % Select an appropriate monotype font \usepackage[varqu]{inconsolata} % Build tables \usepackage{tabularray} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Remove space in front of tables \author{Kenneth John Odle} \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \ttfamily % Begin our loop \forloop{ct}{1}{\value{ct}<\pgct{}}{ % This is the right page header \begin{tblr}{ width = 175mm, colspec = { | X[10,r] | X[40,r] | X[10,r] | X[30,r] | X[10,c] | }, hline{1,3} = {1-5}{0.5pt}, hline{2} = {1-4}{0.5pt}, rows = {5.5mm, m, rowsep=1.5pt } } TITLE: & & BOOK: & & Page \\ PROJECT: & & DATE: & & {\LARGE \arabic{pg}} \\ \end{tblr} \stepcounter{pg} \newpage % This is the left page header \begin{tblr}{ width = 175mm, colspec = { | X[10,r] | X[40,r] | X[10,r] | X[30,r] | X[10,c] | }, hline{1,3} = {1-5}{0.5pt}, hline{2} = {1-4}{0.5pt}, rows = {5.5mm, m, rowsep=1.5pt } } TITLE: & & BOOK: & & Page \\ PROJECT: & & DATE: & & {\LARGE \arabic{pg}} \\ \end{tblr} \stepcounter{pg} \newpage % End our loop } \end{document}