'Send Anonymous Data', "ANONY_DESC" => "GetSimple needs your anonymous data so we can understand our users better. It's completely voluntary and will help us improve our product.", "ANONY_SUCCESS" => 'We successfully received your data. Thank you for helping the GetSimple project.', "ANONY_CONFIRM" => "This is the exact data that we are going to send back to our servers for processing. If agree with the data below, please click the 'Send Data' button. Thank you again for participating.", "ANONY_PARAGRAPH" => "GetSimple needs to find out what type of people and businesses are using our product. This form allows you to voluntarily send us completely anonymous data about your website. This data includes things like the type of server you're on, your PHP version and how many pages and files you currently have. We would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to submit this data to us as it is essential for the continued growth of our CMS product. There is no automatic upload of any data unless you actively send it by clicking 'Send Data'.", "ANONY_PARAGRAPH2" => "Complete the optional fields below, then click the 'Preview Data Submission' button to preview your data before it's sent to our servers.", "ANONY_DISCLAIMER" => "Please only submit this data once per website AND AFTER the site has been completed. Thank you.", "ANONY_CATEGORY" => "Website Category", "ANONY_PREVIEW_BTN" => "Preview Data Submission", "ANONY_SEND_BTN" => "Send Data", "ANONY_LINK" => "Do you link back to GetSimple?", "ANONY_YES" => "Yes", "ANONY_NO" => "No", "ANONY_ARTS" => "Arts", "ANONY_BUSINESS" => "Business", "ANONY_CHILDREN" => "Children", "ANONY_INTERNET" => "Computer & Internet", "ANONY_RELIGION" => "Culture & Religion", "ANONY_EDUCATION" => "Education", "ANONY_EMPLOYMENT" => "Employment", "ANONY_ENTERTAINMENT" => "Entertainment", "ANONY_FINANCE" => "Money & Finance", "ANONY_FOOD" => "Food", "ANONY_GAMES" => "Games", "ANONY_GOVERNMENT" => "Government", "ANONY_HEALTHFITNESS" => "Health & Fitness", "ANONY_HIGHTECH" => "HighTech", "ANONY_HOBBIES" => "Hobbies & Interests", "ANONY_LAW" => "Law", "ANONY_LIFEFAMILY" => "Life Family Issues", "ANONY_MARKETING" => "Marketing", "ANONY_MEDIA" => "Media", "ANONY_MISC" => "Misc", "ANONY_MOVIES" => "Movies & Television", "ANONY_MUSIC" => "Music & Radio", "ANONY_NATURE" => "Nature", "ANONY_NONPROFIT" => "Non-Profit", "ANONY_PERSONAL" => "Personal Homepages", "ANONY_PETS" => "Pets", "ANONY_HOMEGARDEN" => "Home & Garden", "ANONY_REALESTATE" => "Real Estate", "ANONY_SCIENCE" => "Science & Technology", "ANONY_SHOPPING" => "Shopping & Services", "ANONY_SOCIETY" => "Society", "ANONY_SPORTS" => "Sports", "ANONY_TOURISM" => "Tourism", "ANONY_TRANSPORTATION" => "Transportation", "ANONY_TRAVEL" => "Travel", "ANONY_XRATED" => "X-rated" );