\documentclass[8pt, letter, landscape]{extarticle} \usepackage{extsizes} \usepackage[ margin=0.5in, top=2cm, bottom=2cm ]{geometry} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{enumitem} \setlist[description]{ style=nextline, font={\bfseries\ttfamily}, itemsep=0pt, parsep=0pt } \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhf{} \fancyhead[L]{\textbf{A Linux Cheat Sheet}} \fancyhead[R]{\texttt{https://git.kjodle.net/kjodle/linux-cheat-sheet}} \fancyfoot[R]{Page \thepage} \usepackage{multicol} \setlength{\columnseprule}{1pt} \setlength{\columnsep}{1cm} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{shadows} % See https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/5226/keyboard-font-for-latex \newcommand*\keystroke[1]{% \tikz[baseline=(key.base)] \node[% draw, fill=white, drop shadow={shadow xshift=0.4ex,shadow yshift=-0.2ex,fill=black,opacity=0.35}, rectangle, rounded corners=2pt, inner xsep=3pt, inner ysep=0.5pt, line width=0.5pt, font=\footnotesize\ttfamily ](key) {#1\strut} ; } \begin{document} \section*{A Linux Cheat Sheet} \begin{multicols*}{4} \subsection*{Directory} \begin{description} \item[cd] Change the current directory \item[cd..] Move one directory up \item[cd-] Move to your previous directory \item[pwd] Show the current directory (relative to \texttt{\$HOME}) \item[scp ] Securely copy a specific file to a server directory \item[mkdir] Create a new directory \item[rmdir] Delete an empty directory \item[rsyng -a ] Synchronize the contents of a specific direcotry with a backup directory \end{description} \subsection*{Disk Usage} \begin{description} \item[df] Get a report on the system's disk space usage \item[du] Check the disk space usage of a file or directory \item[du -ah] Show disk usage for all files and directories in human readable sizes \item[du -sh] Show disk usage of the current directory \item[fdisk -l] Show disk partitions, sizes, and types \item[findmnt] Show target mount point for all filesystems \end{description} \subsection*{File} \begin{description} \item[ls] List files in a directory \item[ls -R] List all files in all subdirectories \item[ls -a] List hidden files \item[ls -l] List detailed information in a tabular format \end{description} \subsection*{System} \begin{description} \item[] \end{description} \subsection*{Network} \begin{description} \item[] \end{description} \subsection*{User} \begin{description} \item[] \end{description} \subsection*{Keyboard Shortcuts} \begin{description} \item[\keystroke{ctrl} + \keystroke{e}]Move to the end of the line \end{description} \end{multicols*} \end{document}