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Updated readme, deleted svg

Kenneth John Odle 2 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 17


@ -35,3 +35,5 @@ I used a handful of packages to make this document, which I've listed below, alo
* [ulem]( — A package for making lines through text. In my case, I just wanted a simple strikethrough. * [ulem]( — A package for making lines through text. In my case, I just wanted a simple strikethrough.
Also reddit user -LeopardShark- recommended using the package [microtype]( to get finer typographical control. ~~Maybe in the next issue.~~ I'm actually using this in issue 002 and you can tell the difference by comparing page 2 in both issues and looking at the placement of the Creative Commons icon. Also reddit user -LeopardShark- recommended using the package [microtype]( to get finer typographical control. ~~Maybe in the next issue.~~ I'm actually using this in issue 002 and you can tell the difference by comparing page 2 in both issues and looking at the placement of the Creative Commons icon.
If you like this, but don't want to buy, you can always [donate]( via [PayPal]. Thanks!


@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
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