
118 lines
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2024-06-22 16:15:57 +00:00
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%% Page Set-up %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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Some sample text
{\fontsize{18}{60}\selectfont Dude With a Fork}
{\fontsize{30}{28}\selectfont \textbf{Seasoning Mixes}}
A Mini Cookbook
\textsc{First Edition\\June 2024}
All contents \copyright2024 Kenneth John Odle
Please be sure to visit my website at \texttt{dudewithafork.com}
You can also watch my videos at \texttt{youtube.dudewithafork.com}
You can also support me by joining me on Patreon at \texttt{https://www.patreon.com/dudewithafork} where you can get a discount code for anything I sell on etsy.
Thank you so much for buying my cookbook! By doing so, you're helping me to create more great content. I really appreciate it!