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\fancyhead[RE,LO]{Issue \#001}
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\textbf{Bulk Proportions:}
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%%%% Document Information %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\author{Kenneth John Odle}
{\Huge Dude With a Fork} \\
{\footnotesize Cookbook \#1}
% Let's get it started in here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\sffamily the family name is \f@family
\chapter{Taco Seasoning}
Store bought taco seasoning is expensive and has a lot of salt in it. Here's a way to make your own and save money.
\item \sfrac{1}{4} cup chili powder
\item 3 Tbs dried minced onion
\item 1 Tbs granulated garlic
\item 2 tsp dried oregano\\(Mexican preferred)
\item 2 tsp salt
\item 2 tsp ground cumin
\item 1 tsp ground coriander
\item 1 tsp cayenne pepper\\(optional, to taste)
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\item To use, brown and drain one pound of ground beef. Add two tablespoons of taco seasoning (which you can adjust to your taste) and \sfrac{3}{4} cup of water. Combine all, bring to a boil, and then reduce to a simmer. Simmer until the sauce is the consistency you prefer.
\chapter{Italian Seasoning}
\item 4 Tbs dried basil
\item 3 Tbs dried oregano
\item 1 Tbs dried marjoram
\item 1 Tbs dried thyme
\item 2 tsp dried rosemary\\(crushed)
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\paragraph{Note:} Because rosemary is a particularly tough herb, especially in its dried form, I find it better in this mix if I crush it in a mortar and pestle before adding it in.
\chapter{Creole Seasoning}
\item 2 \sfrac{1}{2} Tbs. paprika
\item 2 Tbs garlic powder
\item 1 Tbs salt
\item 1 Tbs onion powder
\item 1 tsp dried thyme
\item 1 Tbs cayenne pepper
\item 1 Tbs black pepper
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\chapter{Seasoned Salt}
\item \sfrac{1}{2} cup salt
\item 1 \sfrac{1}{2} tsp granulated garlic
\item 1 \sfrac{1}{2} tsp celery seed
\item 1 \sfrac{1}{2} tsp paprika
\item \sfrac{1}{2} tsp onion powder
\item \sfrac{1}{2} tsp ground mustard
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\chapter{Chinese Five Spice Powder}
\item 2 Tbs star anise seed (Removed from the pods)
\item 2 Tbs fennel seed
\item 2 Tbs ground cinnamon
\item 2 Tbs whole cloves
\item 2 Tbs whole black peppercorns
\item Add all ingredients except the cinnamon to a spice grinder and grind until fine.
\item Add the cinnamon and mix thoroughly.
\item Store in an air-tight jar.
\chapter{Curry Seasoning}
\item Seeds from 3 cardamom pods, ground
\item 2 tsp ground cumin
\item 2 tsp ground coriander
\item 1 tsp ground turmeric
\item \sfrac{1}{2} tsp chili powder
\item \sfrac{1}{2} tsp black pepper, freshly ground
\item \sfrac{1}{8} tsp fennel seed
\item Add the whole seeds to a spice grinder and grind until fine.
\item Mix all ingredients thoroughly and store in an air-tight jar.
\chapter{Pork Chop Seasoning}
\item 2 Tbs salt
\item 2 Tbs brown sugar
\item 2 Tbs smoked paprika
\item 1 Tbs granulate garlic
\item 1 Tbs rubbed sage
\item 1 Tbs thyme
\item 2 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
\item 1 tsp cayenne (optional)
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\chapter{Steak Seasoning}
\item 1 tsp brown sugar
\item \sfrac{1}{8} tsp cornstarch
\item 1 tsp salt
\item 1 tsp onion powder
\item \sfrac{1}{2} tsp granulated garlic
\item \sfrac{1}{2} tsp paprika
\item \sfrac{1}{2} tsp chili powder
\item \sfrac{1}{2} tsp black pepper, freshly ground
\item \sfrac{1}{4} tsp turmeric
\item 8 parts brown sugar
\item 1 part cornstarch
\item 8 parts salt
\item 8 parts onion powder
\item 4 parts tsp granulated garlic
\item 4 parts tsp paprika
\item 4 parts tsp chili powder
\item 4 parts tsp black pepper, freshly ground
\item 2 parts tsp turmeric
\item Combine the brown sugar and cornstarch until well blended.
\item Add the remaining ingredients and stir to combine. Store in an air-tight jar.
\chapter{Seafood Seasoning}
This isn't quite the same as Old Bay, but it's pretty close!
\item 2 Tbs celery salt
\item 1 Tbs paprika
\item 1 tsp dry mustard
\item \sfrac{1}{2} tsp ground ginger
\item \sfrac{1}{2} tsp black pepper, finely and freshly ground
\item \sfrac{1}{4} tsp ground nutmeg
\item \sfrac{1}{4} tsp ground cinnamon
\item \sfrac{1}{4} tsp cayenne powder (or to taste)
\item \sfrac{1}{4} tsp ground allspice
\item \sfrac{1}{4} tsp ground cloves
\item \sfrac{1}{4} tsp ground bay leaves
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\paragraph{Note:} To get ground bay leaves, break up several bay leaves into small pieces, then add them to a spice grinder. Grind them coarsely, then sieve them to remove the dried veins. Add the leafy portions back to the spice grinder and grind again until they are finely ground. You may have to repeat the sieving process two or more times.
\chapter{Shawarma Spice}
\item 3 Tbs black pepper, freshly ground
\item 1 Tbs nutmeg
\item 1 Tbs cardamom
\item \sfrac{1}{2} Tbs chili powder
\item 1 Tbs kosher salt
\item 1 Tbs allspice
\item 3 Tbs granulated garlic
\item \sfrac{1}{2} Tbs ground cloves
\item 1 Tbs ground cinnamon
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\chapter{Pizza Seasoning}
\item \sfrac{1}{4} cup oregano
\item 2 Tbs basil
\item 2 tsp fennel seed, crushed
\item 1 Tbs paprika
\item 1 Tbs dried minced onion
\item 1 Tbs parsley
\item 1 Tbs granulated garlic
\item 1 Tbs thyme
\item 1 Tbs red pepper flakes (or to taste)
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\chapter{Fry Seasoning}
This also worked great on popcorn!
\item 2 tsp paprika
\item 2 tsp parsley
\item 2 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
\item 2 tsp granulated garlic
\item \sfrac{1}{2} tsp salt
\item \sfrac{1}{2} tsp celery salt
\item \sfrac{1}{8} tsp cayenne pepper
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\chapter{Salt-Free Chicken Seasoning}
\item 1 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
\item 1 tsp dried oregano, crushed
\item 1 tsp dried thyme, crushed
\item 2 tsp paprika
\item 2 tsp onion powder
\item 2 tsp granulated garlic
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\chapter{Salt-Free Cajun Blend}
\item 4 tsp granulated garlic
\item 5 tsp paprika
\item 2 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
\item 2 tsp onion powder
\item 1 tsp caynne pepper
\item 2 tsp dried oregano, crushed
\item 2 tsp dried thyme, crushed
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\chapter{Tuscan Blend}
\item 3 Tbs rosemary, crushed
\item 3 Tbs oregano
\item 3 Tbs basil
\item 1 \sfrac{1}{2} Tbs thyme
\item 1 Tbs parsley
\item 1 \sfrac{1}{2} tsp sage
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\chapter{Mexican Blend}
\item \sfrac{1}{4} cup chili powder
\item 2 Tbs smoked paprika
\item 2 Tbs ground cumin
\item 1 Tbs granulated garlic
\item 1 Tbs onion powder
\item 1 Tbs Mexican oregano, crushed
\item 2 tsp crushed red chili flakes (or to taste)
\item 1 tsp cayenne powder (or to taste)
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\item Mix all ingredients and store in an air-tight jar.
\item Because these are meant to be seasoning mixes that you can make and store in your cupboard, assume all of the herbs used are dried herbs.
\item If a recipe calls for kosher salt and you do not have it, you can substitute roughly half the amount of table salt.