**Line 2** - Sets the language to English. Change it to whichever langauge you are using. You cand find a list of language codes at http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_language_codes.asp
**Line 3** - Sets the character set as UTF-8 (Unicode). This should fit within the first 1024 bytes of the document, so don't place any code before this line.
**Line 7** - A meta tag that sets the author of the document.
**Line 8** - A meta tag that sets the description of the document. (Some search engines will use this as the description of the page in their search results.)
Employ the HTML5 Shiv to support HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer. Delete this if you do not need to support older versions of IE.
**Line 26** - Load any scripts that can be loaded after the page loads, rather than before, to speed page rendering. Change the URI to reflect your site structure.