
184 lines
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\documentclass[10pt, letter, landscape]{article}
% Keyboard symbols
\usepackage{ragged2e} % Make right margin look better
% Place a rule above our section titles
% Define a date the way we like it
% Make labels in description list not bold
% See
\renewcommand*\descriptionlabel[1]{\hspace\labelsep\normalfont #1}
% Style our headers and footers
\fancyhead[L]{\textbf{A Compose Key Cheat Sheet}}
\fancyfoot[L]{Version 1.1.0 • \today}
\fancyfoot[R]{Page \thepage}
% Redefining headrule
% See
\renewcommand{\headrule}{\hrule height 1pt \vspace{1pt}\hrule height 0.25pt}
% Place numbers in a circle
% See
% Can also use «circledsteps» package
\node[shape=circle,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1};}}
% Fonts for symbols
\usepackage{fdsymbol} % automatically loads amsmath
% See for versioning meaning
Some characters may render differently depending on the font used. On occasion, a box ($\Box$) may be used to indicate the position of the character. Most compose key combinations consist of two characters, but a few consist of three characters.
\item[" ,]Czech opening quotes \hfill \quotedblbase
\item[" <]Czech closing quotes\\also English closing quotes \hfill ``
\item[" >]English closing quotes \hfill ''
\item[\keys{space + space}]Non-breaking space
\item[- - \keys{space}]Soft hyphen (in-word break) \\ \hfill -
\item[- - -]em dash \hfill
\item[- - .]en dash \hfill --
\item[< -]Left arrow \hfill $\leftarrow$
\item[- >]Right arrow \hfill $\rightarrow$
\item[< <]Left guillemet \hfill \guillemotleft
\item[> >]Right guillemet \hfill \guillemotright
\item[. <]Left single guillemet \hfill \guilsinglleft
\item[. >]Right single guillemet \hfill \guilsinglright
\item[o o]Degree sign \hfill \textdegree
\item[P !]Pilcrow \hfill \textparagraph
\item[< 3]Solid heart \hfill $\varheartsuit$ % fdsymbol
\item[: )]Smiling face \hfill \smiley % wasysym
\item[: (]Frowning face \hfill \frownie % wasysym
\item[\^{} .]Middle dot \hfill $\Box\cdot\Box$
\item[. =]Bullet \hfill \textbullet
\item[e =]Euro \hfill \eurologo % fourier
\item[l -]Pound sterling \hfill \pounds
\item[L -]Pound sterling \hfill \pounds
\item[c /]Cent \hfill \textcent
\item[x x]Times \hfill $\times$
\item[- :]Divide \hfill $\div$
\item[- ,]Not sign \hfill \textlnot
\item[< =]Less than or equal to \hfill $\leq$
\item[> =]Greater than or equal to \hfill $\geq$
\item[+ -]Plus/minus \hfill $\pm$
\item[8 8]Infinity \hfill $\infty$
\item[1 2]One-half (similar with other numbers through 9) \hfill \textonehalf
\item[\^{} 2]Superscript 2 (also works for other numbers through 9, and some punctuation symbols) \\ \hfill $\Box^2$
\item[\_{} 2]Subscript 2 (also works as superscript with other symbols) \\ \hfill $\Box_2$
\item[( 2 )]Circled 2 (also works on numbers through 50) \hfill \circled{2}
\item[\% o]Per mille sign \hfill \textperthousand
\item[N o]Numero symbol \hfill \textnumero
\section*{Other Characters from Non-English Languages}
\item[s s]Eszett/digraph s \hfill {\ss}
\item[o e]Ligatures (works with other combinations such as AE, oe, etc)\\ \hfill \oe
\item[m u]Greek \textit{mu} or `micro' symbol \\ \hfill $\upmu$ %upgreek
\section*{Accented Characters}
The following keys will work with all characters that can have that particular accent mark. The letter `a' is used as an example.
\item[' a]Acute accent \hfill á
\item[` a]Grave accent \hfill à
\item[, c]Cedilla \hfill ç
\item[" a]Umlaut/diaersis \hfill ä
\item[\^{} a]Circumflex \hfill â
\item[$\tilde{}$ a]Tilde \hfill ã
\item[* a](ring above) \hfill å
\item[. a](dot above) \hfill $\dot{\mathrm{a}}$
\item[/ o](stroke/bar) \hfill ø
\item[c a]Caron \hfill ǎ
\item[< c]Caron \hfill č
\item[\_ a]Macron \hfill ā
\item[( c]Copyright \hfill \copyright
\item[( r]Registered \hfill \textregistered
\item[t m]Trademark \hfill \texttrademark
\item[\# b]Flat sign \hfill $\flat$
\item[\# f]Natural sign \hfill $\natural$
\item[\# \#]Sharp sign \hfill $\sharp$