kjodle 9ff50bd47d LCARS GetSimple Template
LCARS is a template for the GetSimple CMS that mimics the monitor
appearance in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation
2015-10-18 12:03:50 -04:00

170 lines
5.4 KiB

* Edit Backups
* View the current backup of a given page
* @package GetSimple
* @subpackage Backups
# setup
$load['plugin'] = true;
$userid = login_cookie_check();
# get page url to display
if ($_GET['id'] != '') {
$id = $_GET['id'];
$file = $id .".bak.xml";
$path = GSBACKUPSPATH .'pages/';
$data = getXML($path . $file);
$title = htmldecode($data->title);
$pubDate = $data->pubDate;
$parent = $data->parent;
$metak = htmldecode($data->meta);
$metad = htmldecode($data->metad);
$url = $data->url;
$content = htmldecode($data->content);
$private = $data->private;
$template = $data->template;
$menu = htmldecode($data->menu);
$menuStatus = $data->menuStatus;
$menuOrder = $data->menuOrder;
} else {
if ($private != '' ) { $private = '<span style="color:#cc0000">('.i18n_r('PRIVATE_SUBTITLE').')</span>'; } else { $private = ''; }
if ($menuStatus == '' ) { $menuStatus = i18n_r('NO'); } else { $menuStatus = i18n_r('YES'); }
// are we going to do anything with this backup?
if ($_GET['p'] != '') {
$p = $_GET['p'];
} else {
if ($p == 'delete') {
// check for csrf
if (!defined('GSNOCSRF') || (GSNOCSRF == FALSE) ) {
$nonce = $_GET['nonce'];
if(!check_nonce($nonce, "delete", "backup-edit.php")) {
die("CSRF detected!");
elseif ($p == 'restore') {
// check for csrf
if (!defined('GSNOCSRF') || (GSNOCSRF == FALSE) ) {
$nonce = $_GET['nonce'];
if(!check_nonce($nonce, "restore", "backup-edit.php")) {
die("CSRF detected!");
if (isset($_GET['new'])) {
updateSlugs($_GET['new'], $id);
$existing = GSDATAPAGESPATH . $_GET['new'] .".xml";
$bakfile = GSBACKUPSPATH."pages/". $_GET['new'] .".bak.xml";
copy($existing, $bakfile);
redirect("edit.php?id=". $id ."&old=".$_GET['new']."&upd=edit-success&type=restore");
} else {
redirect("edit.php?id=". $id ."&upd=edit-success&type=restore");
get_template('header', cl($SITENAME).' &raquo; '. i18n_r('BAK_MANAGEMENT').' &raquo; '.i18n_r('VIEWPAGE_TITLE'));
<?php include('template/include-nav.php'); ?>
<div class="bodycontent clearfix">
<div id="maincontent">
<div class="main" >
<h3 class="floated"><?php i18n('BACKUP_OF');?> &lsquo;<em><?php echo $url; ?></em>&rsquo;</h3>
<div class="edit-nav" >
<a href="backup-edit.php?p=restore&amp;id=<?php echo var_out($id); ?>&amp;nonce=<?php echo get_nonce("restore", "backup-edit.php"); ?>"
accesskey="<?php echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('ASK_RESTORE'));?>" ><?php i18n('ASK_RESTORE');?></a>
<a href="backup-edit.php?p=delete&amp;id=<?php echo var_out($id); ?>&amp;nonce=<?php echo get_nonce("delete", "backup-edit.php"); ?>"
title="<?php i18n('DELETEPAGE_TITLE'); ?>: <?php echo $title; ?>?"
accesskey="<?php echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('ASK_DELETE'));?>"
class="delconfirm noajax" ><?php i18n('ASK_DELETE');?></a>
<div class="clear"></div>
<table class="simple highlight" >
<tr><td class="title" ><?php i18n('PAGE_TITLE');?>:</td><td><b><?php echo cl($title); ?></b> <?php echo $private; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td class="title" ><?php i18n('BACKUP_OF');?>:</td><td>
if(isset($id)) {
echo '<a target="_blank" href="'. find_url($url, $parent) .'">'. find_url($url, $parent) .'</a>';
<tr><td class="title" ><?php i18n('DATE');?>:</td><td><?php echo lngDate($pubDate); ?></td></tr>
<tr><td class="title" ><?php i18n('TAG_KEYWORDS');?>:</td><td><em><?php echo $metak; ?></em></td></tr>
<tr><td class="title" ><?php i18n('META_DESC');?>:</td><td><em><?php echo $metad; ?></em></td></tr>
<tr><td class="title" ><?php i18n('MENU_TEXT');?>:</td><td><?php echo $menu; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td class="title" ><?php i18n('PRIORITY');?>:</td><td><?php echo $menuOrder; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td class="title" ><?php i18n('ADD_TO_MENU');?></td><td><?php echo $menuStatus; ?></td></tr>
<textarea id="codetext" wrap='off' style="background:#f4f4f4;padding:4px;width:635px;color:#444;border:1px solid #666;" readonly ><?php echo strip_decode($content); ?></textarea>
<?php if ($HTMLEDITOR != '') { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="template/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'codetext', {
skin : 'getsimple',
language : '<?php echo $EDLANG; ?>',
defaultLanguage : '<?php echo $EDLANG; ?>',
<?php if (file_exists(GSTHEMESPATH .$TEMPLATE."/editor.css")) {
$fullpath = suggest_site_path();
contentsCss: '<?php echo $fullpath; ?>theme/<?php echo $TEMPLATE; ?>/editor.css',
<?php } ?>
entities : false,
uiColor : '#FFFFFF',
height: '<?php echo $EDHEIGHT; ?>',
baseHref : '<?php echo $SITEURL; ?>',
toolbar : [['Source']],
removePlugins: 'image,link,elementspath,resize'
// set editor to read only mode
editor.on('mode', function (ev) {
if (ev.editor.mode == 'source') {
$('#cke_contents_codetext .cke_source').attr("readonly", "readonly");
else {
var bodyelement = ev.editor.document.$.body;
bodyelement.setAttribute("contenteditable", false);
<?php } ?>
<div id="sidebar" >
<?php include('template/sidebar-backups.php'); ?>
<?php get_template('footer'); ?>