kjodle 9ff50bd47d LCARS GetSimple Template
LCARS is a template for the GetSimple CMS that mimics the monitor
appearance in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation
2015-10-18 12:03:50 -04:00

480 lines
16 KiB

* Page Edit
* Edit or create new pages for the website.
* @package GetSimple
* @subpackage Page-Edit
// Setup inclusions
$load['plugin'] = true;
// Include common.php
// Variable settings
$userid = login_cookie_check();
// Get passed variables
$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? var_out( $_GET['id'] ): null;
$uri = isset($_GET['uri']) ? var_out( $_GET['uri'] ): null;
$ptype = isset($_GET['type']) ? var_out( $_GET['type'] ): null;
$nonce = isset($_GET['nonce']) ? var_out( $_GET['nonce'] ): null;
// Page variables reset
$theme_templates = '';
$parents_list = '';
$keytags = '';
$parent = '';
$template = '';
$menuStatus = '';
$private = '';
$menu = '';
$content = '';
$author = '';
$title = '';
$url = '';
$metak = '';
$metad = '';
if ($id){
// get saved page data
$file = $id .'.xml';
if (!file_exists($path . $file)){
$data_edit = getXML($path . $file);
$title = stripslashes($data_edit->title);
$pubDate = $data_edit->pubDate;
$metak = stripslashes($data_edit->meta);
$metad = stripslashes($data_edit->metad);
$url = $data_edit->url;
$content = stripslashes($data_edit->content);
$template = $data_edit->template;
$parent = $data_edit->parent;
$author = $data_edit->author;
$menu = stripslashes($data_edit->menu);
$private = $data_edit->private;
$menuStatus = $data_edit->menuStatus;
$menuOrder = $data_edit->menuOrder;
$buttonname = i18n_r('BTN_SAVEUPDATES');
} else {
// prefill fields is provided
$title = isset( $_GET['title'] ) ? var_out( $_GET['title'] ) : '';
$template = isset( $_GET['template'] ) ? var_out( $_GET['template'] ) : '';
$parent = isset( $_GET['parent'] ) ? var_out( $_GET['parent'] ) : '';
$menu = isset( $_GET['menu'] ) ? var_out( $_GET['menu'] ) : '';
$private = isset( $_GET['private'] ) ? var_out( $_GET['private'] ) : '';
$menuStatus = isset( $_GET['menuStatus'] ) ? var_out( $_GET['menuStatus'] ) : '';
$menuOrder = isset( $_GET['menuOrder'] ) ? var_out( $_GET['menuOrder'] ) : '';
$buttonname = i18n_r('BTN_SAVEPAGE');
if ($template == '') { $template = 'template.php'; }
$themes_path = GSTHEMESPATH . $TEMPLATE;
$themes_handle = opendir($themes_path) or die("Unable to open ". GSTHEMESPATH);
while ($file = readdir($themes_handle)) {
if( isFile($file, $themes_path, 'php') ) {
if ($file != 'functions.php' && substr(strtolower($file),-8) !='.inc.php' && substr($file,0,1)!=='.') {
$templates[] = $file;
foreach ($templates as $file){
if ($template == $file) {
} else{
if ($file == 'template.php'){
} else {
$theme_templates .= '<option '.$sel.' value="'.$file.'" >'.$templatename.'</option>';
$sel_m = ($menuStatus != '') ? 'checked' : '' ;
$sel_p = ($private == 'Y') ? 'selected' : '' ;
if ($menu == '') { $menu = $title; }
get_template('header', cl($SITENAME).' &raquo; '.i18n_r('EDIT').' '.$title);
<noscript><style>#metadata_window {display:block !important} </style></noscript>
<?php include('template/include-nav.php'); ?>
<div class="bodycontent clearfix">
<div id="maincontent">
<div class="main">
<h3 class="floated"><?php if(isset($data_edit)) { i18n('PAGE_EDIT_MODE'); } else { i18n('CREATE_NEW_PAGE'); } ?></h3>
<!-- pill edit navigation -->
<div class="edit-nav" >
if(isset($id)) {
echo '<a href="', find_url($url, $parent) ,'" target="_blank" accesskey="', find_accesskey(i18n_r('VIEW')), '" >', i18n_r('VIEW'), ' </a>';
<a href="#" id="metadata_toggle" accesskey="<?php echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('PAGE_OPTIONS'));?>" ><?php i18n('PAGE_OPTIONS'); ?></a>
<div class="clear" ></div>
<form class="largeform" id="editform" action="changedata.php" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" >
<input id="nonce" name="nonce" type="hidden" value="<?php echo get_nonce("edit", "edit.php"); ?>" />
<input id="author" name="post-author" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $USR; ?>" />
<!-- page title toggle screen -->
<p id="edit_window">
<label for="post-title" style="display:none;"><?php i18n('PAGE_TITLE'); ?></label>
<input class="text title" id="post-title" name="post-title" type="text" value="<?php echo $title; ?>" placeholder="<?php i18n('PAGE_TITLE'); ?>" />
<!-- metadata toggle screen -->
<div style="display:none;" id="metadata_window" >
<div class="leftopt">
<p class="inline clearfix" id="post-private-wrap" >
<label for="post-private" ><?php i18n('KEEP_PRIVATE'); ?>: &nbsp; </label>
<select id="post-private" name="post-private" class="text autowidth" >
<option value="" ><?php i18n('NORMAL'); ?></option>
<option value="Y" <?php echo $sel_p; ?> ><?php echo ucwords(i18n_r('PRIVATE_SUBTITLE')); ?></option>
<p class="inline clearfix" >
<label for="post-parent"><?php i18n('PARENT_PAGE'); ?>:</label>
<select class="text autowidth" id="post-parent" name="post-parent">
$count = 0;
foreach ($pagesArray as $page) {
if ($page['parent'] != '') {
$parentTitle = returnPageField($page['parent'], "title");
$sort = $parentTitle .' '. $page['title'];
} else {
$sort = $page['title'];
$page = array_merge($page, array('sort' => $sort));
$pagesArray_tmp[$count] = $page;
// $pagesArray = $pagesArray_tmp;
$pagesSorted = subval_sort($pagesArray_tmp,'sort');
$ret=str_replace('value="'.$id.'"', 'value="'.$id.'" disabled', $ret);
// handle 'no parents' correctly
if ($parent == '') {
$noneText='< '.i18n_r('NO_PARENT').' >';
} else {
$noneText='< '.i18n_r('NO_PARENT').' >';
// Create base option
echo '<option '.$none.' value="" >'.$noneText.'</option>';
echo $ret;
<p class="inline clearfix" >
<label for="post-template"><?php i18n('TEMPLATE'); ?>:</label>
<select class="text autowidth" id="post-template" name="post-template" >
<?php echo $theme_templates; ?>
<p class="inline post-menu clearfix">
<input type="checkbox" id="post-menu-enable" name="post-menu-enable" <?php echo $sel_m; ?> />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<label for="post-menu-enable" ><?php i18n('ADD_TO_MENU'); ?></label><a href="navigation.php" class="viewlink" rel="facybox" ><img src="template/images/search.png" id="tick" alt="<?php echo strip_tags(i18n_r('VIEW')); ?>" /></a>
<div id="menu-items">
<img src="template/images/tick.png" id="tick" />
<span style="float:left;width:81%;" ><label for="post-menu"><?php i18n('MENU_TEXT'); ?></label></span><span style="float:left;width:10%;" ><label for="post-menu-order"><?php i18n('PRIORITY'); ?></label></span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<input class="text" style="width:73%;" id="post-menu" name="post-menu" type="text" value="<?php echo $menu; ?>" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<select class="text" style="width:16%" id="post-menu-order" name="post-menu-order" >
<?php if(isset($menuOrder)) {
if($menuOrder == 0) {
echo '<option value="" selected>-</option>';
} else {
echo '<option value="'.$menuOrder.'" selected>'.$menuOrder.'</option>';
} ?>
<option value="">-</option>
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 30) {
echo '<option value="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</option>';
<div class="rightopt">
<label for="post-id"><?php i18n('SLUG_URL'); ?>:</label>
<input class="text short" type="text" id="post-id" name="post-id" value="<?php echo $url; ?>" <?php echo ($url=='index'?'readonly="readonly" ':''); ?>/>
<label for="post-metak"><?php i18n('TAG_KEYWORDS'); ?>:</label>
<input class="text short" id="post-metak" name="post-metak" type="text" value="<?php echo $metak; ?>" />
<label for="post-metad" class="clearfix"><?php i18n('META_DESC'); ?>: <span id="countdownwrap"><strong id="countdown" ></strong> <?php i18n('REMAINING'); ?></span></label>
<textarea class="text" id="post-metad" name="post-metad" ><?php echo $metad; ?></textarea>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php exec_action('edit-extras'); ?>
</div> <!-- / metadata toggle screen -->
<!-- page body -->
<label for="post-content" style="display:none;"><?php i18n('LABEL_PAGEBODY'); ?></label>
<textarea id="post-content" name="post-content"><?php echo $content; ?></textarea>
<?php exec_action('edit-content'); ?>
<?php if(isset($data_edit)) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="existing-url" value="'. $url .'" />';
} ?>
<span class="editing"><?php echo i18n_r('EDITPAGE_TITLE') .': ' . $title; ?></span>
<div id="submit_line" >
<input type="hidden" name="redirectto" value="" />
<span><input id="page_submit" class="submit" type="submit" name="submitted" value="<?php echo $buttonname; ?>" /></span>
<div id="dropdown">
<h6 class="dropdownaction"><?php i18n('ADDITIONAL_ACTIONS'); ?></h6>
<ul class="dropdownmenu">
<li id="save-close" ><a href="#" ><?php i18n('SAVE_AND_CLOSE'); ?></a></li>
<?php if($url != '') { ?>
<li><a href="pages.php?id=<?php echo $url; ?>&amp;action=clone&amp;nonce=<?php echo get_nonce("clone","pages.php"); ?>" ><?php i18n('CLONE'); ?></a></li>
<?php } ?>
<li id="cancel-updates" class="alertme"><a href="pages.php?cancel" ><?php i18n('CANCEL'); ?></a></li>
<?php if($url != 'index' && $url != '') { ?>
<li class="alertme" ><a href="deletefile.php?id=<?php echo $url; ?>&amp;nonce=<?php echo get_nonce("delete","deletefile.php"); ?>" ><?php echo strip_tags(i18n_r('ASK_DELETE')); ?></a></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($url != '') { ?>
<p class="backuplink" ><?php
if (isset($pubDate)) {
echo sprintf(i18n_r('LAST_SAVED'), '<em>'.$author.'</em>').' '. lngDate($pubDate).'&nbsp;&nbsp; ';
if ( file_exists(GSBACKUPSPATH.'pages/'.$url.'.bak.xml') ) {
echo '&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="backup-edit.php?p=view&amp;id='.$url.'" target="_blank" >'.i18n_r('BACKUP_AVAILABLE').'</a>';
<?php } ?>
if(isset($EDTOOL)) $EDTOOL = returnJsArray($EDTOOL);
if(isset($toolbar)) $toolbar = returnJsArray($toolbar); // handle plugins that corrupt this
else if(strpos(trim($EDTOOL),'[[')!==0 && strpos(trim($EDTOOL),'[')===0){ $EDTOOL = "[$EDTOOL]"; }
if(isset($toolbar) && strpos(trim($toolbar),'[[')!==0 && strpos($toolbar,'[')===0){ $toolbar = "[$toolbar]"; }
$toolbar = isset($EDTOOL) ? ",toolbar: ".trim($EDTOOL,",") : '';
$options = isset($EDOPTIONS) ? ','.trim($EDOPTIONS,",") : '';
<?php if ($HTMLEDITOR != '') { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="template/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'post-content', {
skin : 'getsimple',
forcePasteAsPlainText : true,
language : '<?php echo $EDLANG; ?>',
defaultLanguage : 'en',
<?php if (file_exists(GSTHEMESPATH .$TEMPLATE."/editor.css")) {
$fullpath = suggest_site_path();
contentsCss: '<?php echo $fullpath; ?>theme/<?php echo $TEMPLATE; ?>/editor.css',
<?php } ?>
entities : false,
uiColor : '#FFFFFF',
height: '<?php echo $EDHEIGHT; ?>',
baseHref : '<?php echo $SITEURL; ?>',
filebrowserBrowseUrl : 'filebrowser.php?type=all',
filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : 'filebrowser.php?type=images',
filebrowserWindowWidth : '730',
filebrowserWindowHeight : '500'
<?php echo $toolbar; ?>
<?php echo $options; ?>
CKEDITOR.instances["post-content"].on("instanceReady", InstanceReadyEvent);
function InstanceReadyEvent() {
this.document.on("keyup", function () {
$('#editform #post-content').trigger('change');
# CKEditor setup functions
<?php } ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Warning for unsaved Data */
var yourText = null;
var warnme = false;
var pageisdirty = false;
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
if (warnme || pageisdirty == true) {
return "<?php i18n('UNSAVED_INFORMATION'); ?>";
warnme = false;
return checkTitle();
checkTitle = function(){
if($.trim($("#post-title").val()).length == 0){
alert("<?php i18n('CANNOT_SAVE_EMPTY'); ?>");
return false;
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
<?php if (defined('GSAUTOSAVE') && (int)GSAUTOSAVE != 0) { /* IF AUTOSAVE IS TURNED ON via GSCONFIG.PHP */ ?>
$('#autosavenotify').html('Autosaving is <b>ON</b> (<?php echo (int)GSAUTOSAVE; ?> s)');
function autoSaveIntvl(){
// console.log('autoSaveIntvl called, isdirty:' + pageisdirty);
if(pageisdirty == true){
pageisdirty = false;
function autoSave() {
$('input[type=submit]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// we are using ajax, so ckeditor wont copy data to our textarea for us, so we do it manually
if(typeof(editor)!='undefined'){ $('#post-content').val(CKEDITOR.instances["post-content"].getData()); }
var dataString = $("#editform").serialize();
// not internalionalized or using GS date format!
var currentTime = new Date();
var hours = currentTime.getHours();
var minutes = currentTime.getMinutes();
if (minutes < 10){ minutes = "0" + minutes; }
if(hours > 11){ daypart = "PM"; } else { daypart = "AM"; }
if(hours > 12){ hours-=12; }
type: "POST",
url: "changedata.php",
data: dataString+'&autosave=true&submitted=true',
success: function(msg) {
if (msg.toString()=='OK') {
$('#autosavenotify').text("<?php i18n('AUTOSAVE_NOTIFY'); ?> "+ hours +":"+minutes+" "+daypart);
$('input[type=submit]').attr('disabled', false);
warnme = false;
else {
$('#autosavenotify').text("<?php i18n('AUTOSAVE_FAILED'); ?>");
// We register title and slug changes with change() which only fires when you lose focus to prevent midchange saves.
$('#post-title, #post-id').change(function () {
$('#editform #post-content').trigger('change');
// We register all other form elements to detect changes of any type by using bind
$('#editform input,#editform textarea,#editform select').not('#post-title').not('#post-id').bind('change keypress paste textInput input',function(){
pageisdirty = true;
warnme = true;
setInterval(autoSaveIntvl, <?php echo (int)GSAUTOSAVE*1000; ?>);
<?php } else { /* AUTOSAVE IS NOT TURNED ON */ ?>
$('#editform').bind('change keypress paste focus textInput input',function(){
warnme = true;
pageisdirty = false;
<?php } ?>
function autoSaveInd(){
$('#pagechangednotify').text("<?php i18n('PAGE_UNSAVED')?>");
</div><!-- end maincontent -->
<div id="sidebar" >
<?php include('template/sidebar-pages.php'); ?>
<?php get_template('footer'); ?>