A dictionary of Linux terms, in zine form.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

199 lines
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  1. \documentclass[8pt,letterpaper,twoside]{extreport}
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  23. \fancyhead[RE,LO]{1\textsuperscript{st} Edition}
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  37. \author{Kenneth John Odle}
  38. \begin{document}
  39. What follows is a dictionary of various terms related to Linux. It currently resides at\\ \texttt{https://git.kjodle.net/kjodle/linux-dictionary}. \\ \tabto{0.3cm}\textbf{Note:} A lot of these terms also relate to Unix. \textit{Caveat emptor!} \\ \tabto{0.3cm} \textbf{n.b.:} Some of these terms may also refer to Mac OSX or Windows. \textit{Intense shuddering intensifies.}
  40. \bigskip
  41. \begin{center}
  42. \textbf{{\LARGE The Words}}
  43. \end{center}
  44. \bigskip
  45. \begin{multicols}{2}
  46. \begin{small}
  47. \begin{hangparas}{.3cm}{1}
  48. \textbf{ALSA}
  49. \textbf{apt} -- Some information about apt.
  50. \textbf{apt-get}
  51. \textbf{Arch Linux}
  52. \textbf{bash}
  53. \textbf{bin}
  54. \textbf{bin}
  55. \textbf{binary}
  56. \textbf{boot}
  57. \textbf{command binary}
  58. \textbf{command line}
  59. \textbf{cowsay}
  60. \textbf{cp}
  61. \textbf{CUPS}
  62. \textbf{Debian}
  63. \textbf{dev}
  64. \textbf{dpkg}
  65. \textbf{dvipdf}
  66. \textbf{Elementary OS}
  67. \textbf{etc}
  68. \textbf{Fedora}
  69. \textbf{fsck}
  70. \textbf{Ghost Script}
  71. \textbf{git}
  72. \textbf{GUI}
  73. \textbf{home}
  74. \textbf{info}
  75. \textbf{init}
  76. \textbf{KDE}
  77. \textbf{kernel}
  78. \textbf{kernel module}
  79. \textbf{Kubuntu} -- A GUI for Linux, based on Ubuntu. It uses KDE.
  80. \textbf{latex}
  81. \textbf{lib}
  82. \textbf{Linux Mint}
  83. \textbf{ls}
  84. \textbf{man} -- A command-line utility to display the ``man'' (i.e., manual) page for a particular command. It has many parameters. Try \texttt{man man} to start. \\ \tabto{0.3cm}A lot of people don't find the \texttt{man} command very helpful, as it generally contains no examples. If you are in this camp, \textit{q.v.} both the ``tldr'' and ``info'' entries.
  85. \textbf{media}
  86. \textbf{mkdir}
  87. \textbf{mnt}
  88. \textbf{mv}
  89. \textbf{opt}
  90. \textbf{pandoc}
  91. \textbf{pdftk}
  92. \textbf{Plasma}
  93. \textbf{proc}
  94. \textbf{Pulse}
  95. \textbf{Puppy Linux}
  96. \textbf{rm}
  97. \textbf{root}
  98. \textbf{run}
  99. \textbf{SANE}
  100. \textbf{sbin}
  101. \textbf{shell}
  102. \textbf{srv}
  103. \textbf{sudo}
  104. \textbf{sys}
  105. \textbf{terminal}
  106. \textbf{tex}
  107. \textbf{tldr}
  108. \textbf{tmp}
  109. \textbf{Ubuntu}
  110. \textbf{unix principle}
  111. \textbf{usr}
  112. \textbf{var}
  113. \end{hangparas}
  114. \end{small}
  115. \end{multicols}
  116. \end{document}