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Author SHA1 Message Date
f7fa6cbea3 Return to half-letter size 2024-07-02 13:25:17 -04:00
e72629122b Preamble cleanup 2024-07-02 13:22:53 -04:00

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@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
\documentclass[twoside, 9pt]{extreport}
%% Packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@ -14,40 +17,45 @@
\usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} % Include bibliography in TOC without numbering
\usepackage{wrapfig} % Let's wrap some images
\usepackage{ulem} % Use strikethrough
\usepackage{microtype} % Make things neater. Thanks /u/-LeopardShark-
\usepackage{fancyvrb} % \begin{Verbatim}...\end{Verbatim} <-- Note the capitalization!
\usepackage{fvextra} % Break lines inside Verbatim environment:
\usepackage{verbatim} % Actual comment blocks
\usepackage{enumitem} % Control spacing in lists
\usepackage{tikz} % Pictures
\usepackage{cancel} % Cancel units in math mode
\usepackage{setspace} % Better control over line-spacing
\usepackage{nicefrac} % Use nice fractions
\usepackage[bottom]{footmisc} % Keep the footnotes at the bottom of the page
\usepackage{array} % Add custom widths to tables
\usepackage{nameref} % Use chapter names in references
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % Include URLs, but hide the big red box in the pdf.
%% Commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Easiest tables ever, plus custom table themes
\graphicspath{{./images/},{./standalone/build/}} % Where are our images?
\counterwithout{footnote}{chapter} % Stop resetting the footnote count after each chapter
% Where are our images?
% Include bibliography in TOC without numbering
% Let's set this as a half-letter sized sheet
%% Page Set-Up %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% paperheight=8.5in,
% paperwidth=5.5in,
% heightrounded,
% margin=0.5in
\addtolength{\topmargin}{0.4in} % Adjust the top margin
\addtolength{\textheight}{-0.5in} % Adjust the bottom margin
% Adjust the top and bottom margins
% Set the header style
%% Headers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@ -57,11 +65,31 @@
% \cfoot{Page \thepage}
% Adjust cell spacing in tables
%% Tables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\NewTblrTheme{custom1}{ % Custom table themes
%% Cell Spacing in Table %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\cellspacetoplimit 6pt
\cellspacebottomlimit 6pt
%% Tabs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage{tabto} % Use tab stops when we need to (especially in footnotes)
\NumTabs{18} % Define 18 tab stops (at 1/4" intervals) [tabto] package
%% Macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Make a nice border and box for the tops of our examples
@ -76,74 +104,17 @@
% Include sections and subsections in the TOC
% \setcounter{tocdepth}{1}
% We will probably want some two- or three-column sections
% Stop resetting the footnote count after each chapter
% Let's wrap some images
% Use tab stops when we need to (especially in footnotes)
% Define 18 tab stops (at 1/4" intervals)
% Use strikethrough
% Make things neater. Thanks /u/-LeopardShark-
% Use line numbers with code samples
% \begin{Verbatim}...\end{Verbatim} <-- Note the capitalization!
% Break lines inside this environment:
% Actual comment blocks
% Control spacing in lists
% Pictures!
% Cancel units in math mode!
% Better control over line-spacing
% Use nice fractions
% Keep the footnotes at the bottom of the page
% Add custom widths to tables
% Use chapter names in references
% Change distance above chapter titles
%% Chapter Title Spacing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
{\normalfont\LARGE\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{10pt}{\Huge}[{\vspace{2mm}\titlerule[0.8pt]\vspace{0.5mm}\titlerule[0.3pt]}]
% Include URLs, but hide the big red box it puts around them in the pdf.
%%%% Document Information %%%%%
%% Document Information %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\author{{\small Kenneth John Odle}}
{\Huge the little book of \LaTeX{}} \\
@ -155,6 +126,9 @@
\date{{\small \the\year{}}}
%% Get it Started %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%