A personal planner which I am developing in LaTeX. You are free to download and adapt to your own purposes. This is my first project in LaTeX. Pull requests are welcome.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

49 lines
1.4 KiB

% Colored lines in table, see
% https://ctan.math.illinois.edu/macros/latex/contrib/colortbl/colortbl.pdf
% Columns spanning multiple rows
% Remove cell padding from tabular environment
% Column and vertical rules definitions
\multicolumn{4}{l}{Month and Year:} \\
~~\textbf{Day} & \textbf{Tasks/Appointments} & \textbf{Financial} & \textbf{Communications} \\ \hline
\multirow{5}{1cm}{Mo} & & & \\ [4mm] \arrayrulecolor{red}\hline
& & & \\ [4mm] \arrayrulecolor{red}\hline
& & & \\ [4mm] \arrayrulecolor{red}\hline
& & & \\ [4mm] \arrayrulecolor{red}\hline
& & & \\ [4mm] \arrayrulecolor{black}\hline
\begin{center}{\Large Tu}\end{center} & & & \\ [2.15cm] \hline
\begin{center}{\Large We}\end{center} & & & \\ [2.15cm] \hline
\begin{center}{\Large Th}\end{center} & & & \\ [2.15cm] \hline
\begin{center}{\Large Fr}\end{center} & & & \\ [2.15cm] \hline
\begin{center}{\Large Sa}\end{center} & & & \\ [2.15cm] \hline
\begin{center}{\Large Su}\end{center} & & & \\ [2.15cm]