* Developing exclusively for [ClassicPress](https://www.classicpress.net/). :grinning:
* Additional color schemes added. (See the changelog below.)
**New in version 2.0**
* Can style the screen options and help tabs separately.
* Four color options (red, green, blue, default) available.
* Database settings are retained if you deactivate the plugin. (Useful for debugging your site.)
* Database settings are removed if you uninstall the plugin.
** Installation **
* Via FTP *
1. Upload `seeing_red.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. That's it
* From the "Plugins" Panel*
1. Click on "Add New".
1. In the "Search Plugins" box, type "Seeing Red".
1. "Seeing Red" should come up first. Click on "Install Now".
1. After it's installed, click on "Activate Plugin"
** Frequently Asked Questions **
*** Why is the idea behind this plugin? ***
I work with a lot of people who are new to WordPress, and they are just never aware of the Screen Options tab. It's one of those things that you need only rarely, that power WP users are well aware of, and that is a complete mystery to noobs.
*** Is it possible to hide one or both of the tabs? ***
Not with this release, but I will add that if there is interest.