A personal planner which I am developing in LaTeX. You are free to download and adapt to your own purposes. This is my first project in LaTeX. Pull requests are welcome.
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408 lines
12 KiB

3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
  1. \documentclass[twoside]{book}
  2. \usepackage[
  3. letterpaper,
  4. bindingoffset=15mm,
  5. textheight=250mm,
  6. textwidth=175mm,
  7. top=14mm,
  8. footskip=5mm,
  9. marginparwidth=0mm,
  10. marginparsep=0mm
  11. ]{geometry}
  12. % Prettier fonts
  13. \usepackage[nott]{kpfonts}
  14. % Adjusting things
  15. % \usepackage{microtype}
  16. % Two-columns in introduction
  17. \usepackage{multicol}
  18. \setlength{\columnsep}{8mm}
  19. % Use tab stops when we need to
  20. \usepackage{tabto}
  21. % Use a better tabular system (2022.12.26 - currently on "Habits" pages)
  22. \usepackage{tabularray}
  23. \usepackage{ninecolors}
  24. \author{Kenneth John Odle}
  25. % Put page numbers in bottom center
  26. \pagestyle{plain}
  27. % Add our copyright image
  28. \usepackage{graphicx}
  29. \graphicspath{ {./images/} }
  30. % https://texfaq.org/FAQ-repeat-num
  31. % https://ctan.org/pkg/forloop
  32. % Output a variable value: https://sodocumentation.net/latex/topic/9224/counters--if-statements-and-loops-with-latex
  33. \usepackage{forloop}
  34. % Draw circles, but redefine the command first
  35. \usepackage{wasysym}
  36. \newcommand\kcir{{\large \Circle ~}}
  37. % Draw squares on Finances column
  38. \newcommand{\kfin}{\texttt{\hfill {\Large $\Box$}\,AP {\Large $\Box$}\,Pd {\Large $\Box$}\,X}}
  39. % Week at top of each page
  40. \def\kyear{2023}
  41. \newcounter{ct}
  42. \newcommand{\kweek}{
  43. \begin{tblr}{
  44. width=175mm,
  45. colspec={ X[1,c] X[1,c] X[7,c] },
  46. vlines = {0.5pt,solid},
  47. hlines = {0.5pt,solid},
  48. rows={5mm, m, rowsep=1.5pt}
  49. }
  50. \textbf{Week \thect} & \kyear & Jan\hphantom{wi}Feb\hphantom{wi}Mar\hphantom{wi}Apr\hphantom{wi}May\hphantom{wi}Jun\hphantom{wi}Jul\hphantom{wi}Aug\hphantom{wi}Sep\hphantom{wi}Oct\hphantom{wi}Nov\hphantom{wi}Dec
  51. \end{tblr}
  52. \vspace{3mm}
  53. }
  54. \usepackage{verbatim}
  55. \raggedright
  56. \raggedbottom
  57. \begin{document}
  58. \chapter*{}
  59. \thispagestyle{empty}
  60. % \pagenumbering{gobble}
  61. % Eliminates page number on reverse side; see https://texfaq.org/FAQ-nopageno
  62. \begin{center}
  63. {\Huge Planning Notebook}
  64. \medskip
  65. by Kenneth John Odle
  66. \medskip
  67. v. 2.4.0 \\ 2024 Version
  68. \medskip
  69. \today{}
  70. \vspace*{10cm}
  71. \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{ccancs4}
  72. \bigskip
  73. \begin{minipage}{14cm}
  74. \begin{flushleft}
  75. This work is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  76. \end{flushleft}
  77. This means:
  78. \begin{itemize}
  79. \itemsep-0.30em
  80. \item You are free to share this work.
  81. \item You are free to adapt this work.
  82. \item You are free to share your adaptation(s) of this work.
  83. \item You are not allowed to sell this work or your adaptation(s) of this work.
  84. \item You must attribute it to the author by providing the following link:
  85. \end{itemize}
  86. \texttt{https://git.kjodle.net/kjodle/planner-in-latex}
  87. \end{minipage}
  88. \end{center}
  89. \chapter*{Introduction}
  90. \begin{multicols}{2}
  91. This document is part of a never-ending search for the perfect planner.
  92. My goal was to create a planner where I can plan my days, weeks, and entire year ahead of time as much as possible. In addition to a regular planner where I can make note of everyday life events (i.e., medical appointments), I also wanted a way to incorporate annual goals into my weekly plans. I believe the reason so many new year's resolutions fail is that we simply forget about them. If you want to achieve something, you have to keep that goal in front of you. I also wanted a place to reflect on my progress on those goals, both on a monthly and on an annual basis.
  93. Prior to this year, this was contained in a single document. Several notable changes have led this to being version 2.0.0, most notably:
  94. \begin{itemize}
  95. \item The research on goals and habits has been moved to a separate document (``Notes'').
  96. \item The annual and monthly goals and reflection pages have been moved to a separate document (``Annual Goals''). This makes it easier to refer to them when planning your weeks.
  97. \item Tables have been reconstructed entirely using the \texttt{tabularray} package for greater consistency.
  98. \end{itemize}
  99. You are welcome to download the pdf of this planner and use it. You can also customize it by forking or downloading the package and making whatever changes you may want. All of these documents have been written in \LaTeX{}; only the most basic working knowledge of that language should be required to make basic changes.
  100. If you choose to fork this work, please note that it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and your work, should you choose to release it (and I encourage you to) is required to be released under the same license.
  101. \end{multicols}
  102. %\newpage
  103. %\thispagestyle{plain} % empty
  104. %\mbox{}
  105. % Not part of the table definition; it just makes sure to get us off this introductory page
  106. % Be sure the next page is a left (i.e., even-numbered) page.
  107. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  108. % Begin a new week
  109. \forloop{ct}{1}{\value{ct}<55}{
  110. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  111. % Begin a new week
  112. % First Left Page
  113. \newpage
  114. \kweek
  115. \begin{tblr}{
  116. width=175mm,
  117. colspec={ | X[30,l] | X[35,l] | X[35,l] | },
  118. rowspec={
  119. | Q % Header Row
  120. | Q | Q | Q | Q
  121. | Q | Q | Q | Q
  122. | Q | Q | Q | Q
  123. |
  124. },
  125. rows={5.5mm, m, rowsep=1.5pt} %
  126. }
  127. % Header
  128. \SetCell{bg=yellow7} \textbf{Yearly Goal} & \SetCell{bg=yellow8} \textbf{Monthly Goal} & \SetCell{bg=yellow9} \textbf{Weekly Activities} \\
  129. % Table Content
  130. \SetCell[r=4]{l} & \SetCell[r=2]{l} & \\
  131. & & \\
  132. & \SetCell[r=2]{l} & \\
  133. & & \\
  134. \SetCell[r=4]{l} & \SetCell[r=2]{l} & \\
  135. & & \\
  136. & \SetCell[r=2]{l} & \\
  137. & & \\
  138. \SetCell[r=4]{l} & \SetCell[r=2]{l} & \\
  139. & & \\
  140. & \SetCell[r=2]{l} & \\
  141. & & \\
  142. \end{tblr}
  143. \vspace{10mm}
  144. \begin{tblr}{
  145. width=175mm,
  146. colspec={ | X[55,l] | X[1,l] | X[5,c,gray9] | [gray8]X[39,l] | },
  147. hline{1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16} = {1, 3-4}{0.5pt},
  148. hline{3} = {1}{0.5pt,black},
  149. hline{3} = {4}{0.5pt,gray7},
  150. hline{5,7,9,11,13,15} = {1}{0.5pt},
  151. rows={5.5mm, m, rowsep=2pt}
  152. }
  153. %Header
  154. \SetCell{bg=teal9} \textbf{Tasks this week} & & \textbf{Day} & \SetCell{bg=teal9} \textbf{Chores} \\
  155. %Body
  156. \kcir & & \SetCell[r=2]{c} M & \kcir \\
  157. \kcir & & & \kcir \\
  158. \kcir & & \SetCell[r=2]{c} Tu & \kcir Clean bathroom sinks \\
  159. \kcir & & & \kcir Clean toilets \\
  160. \kcir & & \SetCell[r=2]{c} W & \kcir Clean bathtub \\
  161. \kcir & & & \kcir Pickup floor \hspace{2em} \kcir Dust \\
  162. \kcir & & \SetCell[r=2]{c} Th & \kcir Vacuum \\
  163. \kcir & & & \kcir Kitchen floor \\
  164. \kcir & & \SetCell[r=2]{c} F & \kcir Clear off DR table \\
  165. \kcir & & & \kcir Clean office\\
  166. \kcir & & \SetCell[r=2]{c} Sa & \kcir Meal planning \\
  167. \kcir & & & \kcir Grocery planning \\
  168. \kcir & & \SetCell[r=2]{c} Su & \kcir Grocery shopping \\
  169. \kcir & & & \kcir Meal prep\\
  170. \end{tblr}
  171. % First Right Page
  172. \newpage
  173. \kweek
  174. \begin{tblr}{
  175. width=175mm,
  176. colspec={ X[47,l] X[1.5,l] X[51.5,l] },
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  182. % hline{9,10,13,14,17,18,21,22} = {1-1}{0.5pt,solid,gray1}
  183. }
  184. \SetCell{bg=green9} \textbf{Pre-week Notes:} & \SetCell[c=2]{l, bg=azure9}\textbf{Log:}\\
  185. & \SetCell[r=5]{c, fg=gray2}\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{{\footnotesize Monday}} & \\
  186. & & \\
  187. & & \\
  188. & & \\
  189. & & \\
  190. & \SetCell[r=5]{c, fg=gray2}\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{{\footnotesize Tuesday}} & \\
  191. & & \\
  192. \SetCell{bg=violet9} \textbf{Hoping For:} & & \\
  193. & & \\
  194. & & \\
  195. & \SetCell[r=5]{c, fg=gray2}\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{{\footnotesize Wednesday}} & \\
  196. \SetCell{bg=violet9} \textbf{Looking For:} & & \\
  197. & & \\
  198. & & \\
  199. & & \\
  200. \SetCell{bg=violet9} \textbf{Grateful For:} & \SetCell[r=5]{c, fg=gray2}\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{{\footnotesize Thursday}} & \\
  201. & & \\
  202. & & \\
  203. & & \\
  204. \SetCell{bg=brown9} \textbf{Post-week Notes:} & & \\
  205. & \SetCell[r=5]{c, fg=gray2}\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{{\footnotesize Friday}} & \\
  206. & & \\
  207. & & \\
  208. & & \\
  209. & & \\
  210. & \SetCell[r=5]{c, fg=gray2}\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{{\footnotesize Saturday}} & \\
  211. & & \\
  212. & & \\
  213. & & \\
  214. & & \\
  215. & \SetCell[r=5]{c, fg=gray2}\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{{\footnotesize Sunday}} & \\
  216. & & \\
  217. & & \\
  218. & & \\
  219. & & \\
  220. \end{tblr}
  221. \vspace{5mm}
  222. % Second Left Page
  223. \newpage
  224. \kweek
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  231. |[0.75pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q
  232. |[0.75pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q
  233. |[0.75pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q
  234. |[0.75pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q
  235. |[0.75pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q
  236. |[0.75pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q
  237. |[0.75pt]
  238. },
  239. rows={5.3mm, m, rowsep=1.3pt}
  240. }
  241. % Header
  242. \textbf{Day} & \SetCell{bg=teal9} \textbf{Tasks Today} & \SetCell{bg=yellow9} \textbf{Goal Steps} \\
  243. % Monday
  244. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Mon} & \kcir & \kcir Read \\
  245. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir Exercise \\
  246. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir Create \\
  247. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  248. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  249. % Tuesday
  250. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Tue} & \kcir & \kcir Read \\
  251. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir Exercise \\
  252. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir Create \\
  253. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  254. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  255. % Wednesday
  256. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Wed} & \kcir & \kcir Read \\
  257. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir Exercise \\
  258. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir Create \\
  259. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  260. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  261. % Thursday
  262. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Thu} & \kcir & \kcir Read \\
  263. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir Exercise \\
  264. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir Create \\
  265. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  266. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  267. % Friday
  268. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Fri} & \kcir & \kcir Read \\
  269. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir Exercise \\
  270. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir Create \\
  271. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  272. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  273. % Saturday
  274. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Sat} & \kcir Mail & \kcir \kcir Read \\
  275. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir Exercise \\
  276. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir \kcir \kcir Create \\
  277. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  278. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  279. % Sunday
  280. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Sun} & \kcir Finances for next week & \kcir \kcir Read \\
  281. & \kcir Goals/Activities for next week & \kcir \kcir Exercise \\
  282. & \kcir & \kcir \kcir \kcir \kcir Create \\
  283. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  284. & \kcir & \kcir \\
  285. \end{tblr}
  286. % Second Right Page
  287. \newpage
  288. \kweek
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  295. |[0.75pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q
  296. |[0.75pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q
  297. |[0.75pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q
  298. |[0.75pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q
  299. |[0.75pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q
  300. |[0.75pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q |[0.25pt]Q
  301. |[0.75pt]
  302. },
  303. rows={5.3mm, m, rowsep=1.3pt}
  304. }
  305. % Header
  306. \textbf{Day} & \SetCell{bg=green9} \textbf{Finances} & \SetCell{bg=brown9} \textbf{Health} \\
  307. % Monday
  308. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Mon} & \kfin & \\
  309. & \kfin & \\
  310. & \kfin & \\
  311. & \kfin & \\
  312. & \kfin & \\
  313. % Tuesday
  314. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Tue} & \kfin & \\
  315. & \kfin & \\
  316. & \kfin & \\
  317. & \kfin & \\
  318. & \kfin & \\
  319. % Wednesday
  320. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Wed} & \kfin & \\
  321. & \kfin & \\
  322. & \kfin & \\
  323. & \kfin & \\
  324. & \kfin & \\
  325. % Thursday
  326. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Thu} & \kfin & \\
  327. & \kfin & \\
  328. & \kfin & \\
  329. & \kfin & \\
  330. & \kfin & \\
  331. % Friday
  332. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Fri} & \kfin & \\
  333. & \kfin & \\
  334. & \kfin & \\
  335. & \kfin & \\
  336. & \kfin & \\
  337. % Saturday
  338. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Sat} & \kfin & \\
  339. & \kfin & \\
  340. & \kfin & \\
  341. & \kfin & \\
  342. & \kfin & \\
  343. % Sunday
  344. \SetCell[r=5]{c} \textbf{Sun} & \kfin & \\
  345. & \kfin & \\
  346. & \kfin & \\
  347. & \kfin & \\
  348. & \kfin & \\
  349. \end{tblr}
  350. } % End forloop
  351. \end{document}