Added spicy sloppy joes

This commit is contained in:
Kenneth John Odle 2021-08-09 19:09:03 -04:00
parent cb9d322827
commit 802c456e62
6 changed files with 320 additions and 0 deletions

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\usepackage[letterpaper, margin=1in]{geometry}
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\author{Kenneth John Odle}
\title{Spicy Sloppy Joes}
\textbf{Spicy Sloppy Joes}
When you want sloppy joes, but you don't want the same old sloppy joes (and you like a bit of heat), make this your go-to recipe.
\item \nicefrac{3}{4} pound (12 ounces) ground beef
\item 14 ounces chorizo
\item \nicefrac{3}{4} white or yellow onion, finely diced$^{*}$
\item 1 small to medium poblano pepper, seeded and finely chopped$^{*}$
\item 1 jalape\~{n}o pepper, seeded and finely chopped$^{*}$
\item 1 cup beer
\item \nicefrac {3}{4} cup ketchup
\item 1 Tbs brown sugar
\item 2 tsp granulated garlic
\item 1\nicefrac{1}{2} tsp chili powder
\item \nicefrac{1}{2} tsp mustard powder
$^{*}$See notes
\item Add the chorizo and ground beef to a large, deep frying pan and cook, breaking it up with a spatula, until it is completely cooked.
\item Add the onion and peppers, and cook for 2-3 minutes, until they begin to soften.
\item Add the beer and deglaze the bottom of the pan.
\item Add the ketchup and spices. Stir to combine and bring to a simmer.
\item Reduce heat as necessary and simmer, covered, for 15-20 minutes. (If necessary, add additional beer or water if the mixture becomes too thick.)
\item Fat is flavor, and depending upon the brand of chorizo you use, and the type of ground beef, this recipe may produce a lot. You have a few options for the excess fat this dish produces:
\item Drain the excess fat after the meat is cooked.
\item Drain the excess meat after the onions and pepper are cooked.
\item Add a tablespoon or so of flour before adding the beer and cooking for a minute to cook out the raw flour flavor.
\item Leave it as it is, and serve it "lunch lady style". (In my opinion, school lunchroom sloppy joes were delicious precisely \textit{because} the fat was left in it. Happy times, happy times.)
\item You can use mild, medium, or hot chorizo, depending on your family's tolerance for heat.
\item As always, adjust the amount of peppers and onions to your family's liking.