Added table of Git commands

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Kenneth John Odle 2024-07-05 11:12:52 -04:00
parent 74bb27a03b
commit f0a89a4299

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@ -452,7 +452,38 @@ Now that we've added our files, they are considered to be \texttt{staged}, which
If we're happy with the files we've staged, we can now commit them by using \texttt{git commit -m "<commit message>"}. Note that we have to add a commit message. This can be anything you like, but it helps to make it something that will be useful down the road like ``updated chapter three''. You'll get some miscellaneous messages about what Git is doing and then it is done. You've created your first commit, and all of your staged files are now \texttt{committed}.\footnote{You can also make this process even more efficient by creating some bash alias for the various Git commands. See ``More Fun with bash'' in issue \#4.}
\section{Summary of Git Commands}
caption = {Summary of Git Commands},
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Command & Purpose (\& Example) \\
\texttt{init} & {Creates a git repository \\ \texttt{git init} } \\
\texttt{clone} & {Clones a remote repository locally \\ \texttt{git clone} <URL of remote reposistory> } \\
\texttt{git --version} & Displays the version of git installed on your system \\
\texttt{add} & {Stages (i.e., adds) files to a commit \\ \texttt{git add file1 file2} } \\
\texttt{commit} & {Commits stages files \\ \texttt{git commit -m} ``<commit message>'' } \\
\texttt{push} & {Pushes a commit from a local repo to a remote repo \\ \texttt{git push} <name of remote repo> <name of remote branch> } \\
\texttt{} & { \\ \texttt{} } \\
\texttt{} & { \\ \texttt{} } \\
\texttt{} & { \\ \texttt{} } \\
\texttt{} & { \\ \texttt{} } \\
\texttt{} & { \\ \texttt{} } \\
\texttt{} & { \\ \texttt{} } \\
\texttt{} & { \\ \texttt{} } \\
\chapter{Easy Outlines in \LaTeX{}}