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Kenneth John Odle edited this page 2024-06-08 17:56:40 +00:00

I posted this to Reddit, and got lots of great suggestions. Posting this link here so I don't lose track of it.

You can also view the publication stats. Also, I now have a page of errata. (Although I'm not paying attention to sales statistics anymore, so that page is not being updated.)

Finally found the link (from 2 months ago!) where someone on Reddit recommended reading the man man page. Putting it here because I don't know where else to put it for now.

Here is a list of future topics I may or may not cover in the future.

Also, I scaled the images in issue 002 and the pdf went from 3.6 mb to 1.3 mb. (2023.02.18)

I made a video about my proofreading process.

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