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A zine about Linux, typeset in LaTeX.
The avatar image is by Larry Ewing and Simon Budig. Licensing info is here.
The pdf version is free. You can find it inside the build
folder for each issue. I will also issue a release, so you can check there, as well.
If you want to buy a paper version with a fancy colored cover, printed up as a little booklet and saddle stapled (just perfect for reading on the go), you can buy them from my etsy shop. I'll include a link here as I add each issue.
Paper Copies
Issue 001
You can buy issue #001 on my etsy shop here. Use the coupon GIT20 to get 20% off all zines.
Issue 002
I am currently at work on the second issue. You can the raw output here, or download the .tex file and convert it to a pdf or the file of your choice.
I used a handful of packages to make this document, which I've listed below, along to their page on CTAN where you can read the full documentation.
- graphicx — Provides extended support for images.
- kpfonts — A different font than the AMS fonts, which is a little heavier and easier to read for some.
- makeidx — Creates indexes (or, indices, if you prefer). I didn't actually use this one. Maybe next time.
- geometry — Flexible and complete interfact to document dimensions.
- fancyhdr — Gives you more control over page headers and footers.
- multicol — Provides for more than two or more columns in selected areas.
- wrapfig — Allows you to wrap text around figures.
- hyperref — Support for hypertext (i.e., links). (Protip: use the hidelinks option to get rid of the annoying red boxes around links in the pdf form. Thanks to reddit user 0b0101011001001011 for this tip!)
- tabto — Allows you to set tab stops. (I used this one to get multiple paragraphs in a footnote. Still scratching my head about that one.)
- ulem — A package for making lines through text. In my case, I just wanted a simple strikethrough.
Also reddit user -LeopardShark- recommended using the package microtype to get finer typographical control. Maybe in the next issue.