4 List of Future Topics
Kenneth John Odle edited this page 2024-07-10 11:33:45 +00:00
  1. Math in LaTeX with align and array
  2. Women in Computing History (Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, Hedy Lamarr)
  3. Searching Your bash History
  4. Other Flavors of Linux
  5. A git Workflow
  6. More About Those Folders in root
  7. How to Get Help in a Help Forum
  8. ftp via the command line

LaTeX packages to investigate

  1. glossaries
  2. siunitx
  3. cleveref
  4. auto multiple choice (exam package?)
  5. physics
  6. etoolbox (if/then)
  7. censor
  8. upquote
  9. csquotes
  10. fixme
  11. todonotes
  12. getmap
  13. systeme
  14. polynom
  15. lineno
  16. epigraph
  17. nag
  18. fontawesome
  19. minted
  20. booktabs