Some experiments in LaTeX that I mention in my zine, the codex.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

45 lines
799 B

% 1
>[:54]% 2
-[:300]% 3
-% 4
>[:60]% 5
-[:120]% 6
-[:180]% 7
<[:132]% 8
-[:204]% 9
-[:276]% 10
<[:222,,,2]HO% 11
-[:348]% -> 2
-[:240]% -> 2
<:[:60]% 12
-% 13
-[:300]% 14
=_% 15
-[:300]% 16
=O% 17
-[:240]% 18
-[:180]% 19
-[:120]% 20
-[:180]% -> 5
-[:60]% -> 14
<[:240]% 21